
Get Carpet Cleaning Service After A Wild Animal Gets Into Your Home

Keeping your house clean is something that you may put a lot of time and effort into on a consistent basis. However, an unexpected occurrence could throw a wrench in your routine cleaning plans such as a wild animal getting inside your home and roaming around for a while. If you have carpeting throughout most rooms, you should expect it to be the feature that was exposed the most to a wild animal as well as one of the most susceptible to wear and tear. Read More 

Own A Restaurant? 3 Spots Your Disinfection Team Should Focus On

These days, it's not possible to be too careful about germs. From communicable illnesses like influenza and COVID-19 to preventing the spread of foodborne illness, it pays to show your valued customers that you care about cleanliness — especially when you own a restaurant. Here are three spots you should ask your commercial disinfection team to focus on, and why.  1. Waiting Area When people are hungry, there's a decent chance they aren't being as careful as they could be about preventing the spread of germs. Read More 

Getting Ready To Reopen? 4 Things You Need To Know Before You Hire A Cleaning Service

If you've been given the green-light to reopen your business, you need to have a cleaning strategy in place. Many local governments are allowing businesses to reopen. But, business owners need to have a plan in place for providing a clean and sanitary environment. That's where a cleaning service comes into the picture. Because of the current pandemic, it's not safe for you and your employees to handle the cleaning. First, you might not remove all the germs and bacteria. Read More 

Office Cleaning Tasks That Get Skipped Too Often

You can walk into an office and think that it looks clean, but when you dig a little deeper realize that there really is plenty of dirt and debris hiding within. This is not the kind of office you want. You want one that is really, truly clean! Here are the often-skipped areas you'll want to clean to achieve that goal. The Curtains Curtains are a bit cumbersome to clean which means they are rarely cleaned as often as they should be. Read More 

Repairing Your Home Or Business After Water Damage Occurs

Water can be among the most destructive forces that can impact your home or business. Not surprisingly, water damage should always be a problem that property owners will need to respond to in an aggressive way. Is Minor Water Damage A Serious Problem For Your Home? When a person imagines water damage, they may envision a building that has suffered extensive flooding. However, it is commonly the case that water damage will be far more subtle in nature. Read More